About Us
The Key2Free is a ministry nonprofit located in Georgetown, Texas. We serve adult women who have been victims of sexual exploitation and sex trafficking.
Ten years ago, a group of ladies went on a mission trip, with a local church, to Thessaloniki, Greece. It is here that our founders first realized the realities and horrors of trafficking. It was in Thessaloniki, Greece that our CEO, Amy Davis, received a calling to start an organization that provide services to women who have been exploited and trafficked.
In the years of Key2Free thus far, we have had the opportunity to walk alongside many wonderful survivors. By God's grace, we have been able to offer services such as life skills classes, case management, therapy and other aftercare needs. It has been an honor serving these ladies faithfully.
In the summer of 2021, The Key2Free was chosen for a Mentorship Program through The Samaritan Woman; Institute for Shelter Care. Through this mentorship program, The Key2Free has learned new strategies for caring and housing survivors of sexual exploitation and trafficking.
Equipped with this knowledge, The Key2Free is moving in a new direction. We will now be offering 24/7 monitored shelter care as well as offering graduate housing. This new direction will offer an extensive amount of care for women who have been victims of abuse.

Faith-based, restorative, safe housing program for adult, female survivors of trafficking and/or sexual exploitation. 24/7 therapeutic and life skills programming to support recovery.
Faith-based, graduate housing program for those who have completed the PATH2Freedom programming.
Faith-based, nonresidential program. Provision of support services such as life skills, continuing education, case management, and therapy based upon individual needs.