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Serving Adult, Female Survivors of Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking

Through providing of safe housing, therapeutic care and life skills programming, we strive to empower survivors of exploitation on their journey of healing. 

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The Key2Free exists to prevent and end sex trafficking through education, awareness in our local communities, and aftercare solutions for survivors of trafficking and exploitation. We accomplish this mission by creating a safe, quality environment, providing access to supportive community based services and educating the community about trafficking. Together, we devote our lives, skills and resources to bring light to the darkness, and freedom to those who so desperately need it.

Who We Are

We're Glad You're Here

We are grateful for the opportunity to share more about our program with you. Whether you are a case worker, law enforcement, a therapist, a referring agency, or a survivor of trafficking, we look forward to sharing with you. The Key2Free is a faith-based organization offering both restorative and graduate safe housing, as well as independent, non-residential programming to adult, female survivors of sex trafficking and/or sexual exploitation. Programming offers Restorative Housing through PATH2Freedom, Graduate Housing through LAUNCH2Freedom, and Independent programming through THRIVE2Freedom. Survivor- informed staff and care team provide therapeutic and life skills programming (both communal and individual) to support the survivor through her journey.

"This is an amazing organization that works with many other organizations and groups [to help] women [who have come from a series of tragic events] to work towards personal goal. It is a very helpful and resourceful program."


- Former Participant

The Key2Free
1500 W. University Ave, Suite 110
Georgetown, Texas 78628
(844) 312-3733

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